Alaska’s only non-profit consumer advocacy organization.
In 1974 a small group of Alaskans formed a non-profit to protect consumers from big businesses intent on taking advantage of their customers in the name of profit.
We power our efforts from the grassroots and rely on a small staff with big goals and a dedicated group of board members and volunteers to fully serve our mission and its goals.

Good Government
Protecting democracy by ensuring accountability, transparency, and access to our government.
Economic Justice
AKPIRG is the only non-profit consumer advocacy organization in the state of Alaska.
Energy Democracy
Advocating for a more equitable, affordable, and reliable energy future in Alaska.
Language Access
Providing access to information and uplifting traditional and cultural knowledge.
Our Mission
AKPIRG is the only consumer advocacy and research non-profit organization in the state. We are non-partisan and focus on consumer and good governance issues, especially when inconsistent with moneyed, powerful, or other special interests.
We Work to Ensure:
Transparent and accountable government systems
Robust language accessibility
Affordable and reliable phone and internet for all
Compassionate, people-centered economic policy
An affordable, reliable, and renewable energy future
Our Values
AKPIRG is committed to connecting Alaskans with reliable information about public interest and consumer issues.
We recognize that Alaska is a special place to call home. Our state is rich in resources, diverse cultures, and unparalleled geography. We believe that all Alaskans have a right to participate in shaping our state's future, rather than being at the mercy of corporate or moneyed interests.
Our Work
Get Involved
Want to create thriving, healthy and self-determined Alaskan communities with us? Want to hold our elected officials accountable to their constituents by shining a light on government actions? We have ways you can help!
About Us
Created in 1974, AKPIRG is a non-profit, non-partisan, citizen-oriented statewide membership organization, researching, educating and advocating on behalf of the public interest. AKPIRG advances the public interest by providing individuals with the opportunity and the information to participate equally in and be treated equally by our economic, social and political systems.
From consumer protection, identity theft and fraud, to voting rights, ethical government and clean energy, AKPIRG has been pursuing policies that give ordinary Alaskans a voice that can be heard.
We are working towards a world of self-determined, thriving communities governed by people, not corporations.
On October 11, 2019, AKPIRG officially adopted the Jemez Principles, an agreement for democratic organizing created in 1996. These principles include:
Be Inclusive
Emphasis on Bottom-Up Organizing
Let People Speak for Themselves
Work Together in Solidarity and Mutuality
Build Just Relationships Among Ourselves
Commitment to Self-Transformation
You can read these principles in full here.
Land Acknowledgment
AKPIRG recognizes the Indigenous land on which all Alaskans live.
AKPIRG works to ensure the rights of people who are often sidelined, and to create healthy and thriving communities. Our work is done with the understanding that corporations should not have undue influence in our systems of government, especially as corporations are recent constructs and many different types of government have existed on this land for tens of thousands of years. Alaska is an Indigenous place, comprised of 227 federally recognized Tribes, and our work takes place on unceded sovereign land. This fact informs our work and our lives. AKPIRG staff and board live on and are stewards of Sugpiaq, Dena’ina, Auk Kwáan, Taku Kwáan, Lower Tanana Dene, Gwichyaa Zhee Gwich’in, Denaakk’e, and Yup’ik lands and nations.